As per the West Bengal Finance Department has changed the Pension Form Single Comprehensive Form in a new modified format vide Notification No. 416-F, Dated 09/08/2019. Some of the particulars added in this New Form, which will be more transparent. And also this Format will be required after 01/01/2016 as per the New 6th Pay […]
Free Download Automated Revised Single Comprehensive Form as per ROPA 2019 this Excel Utility can prepare your all Pension Forms including Revised Single Comprehensive Form
The West Bengal Finance Department has published the New Single Comprehensive Form in Revised Format as per the ROPA 2019 and this Form use after 01/01/2016. Click here to Download the Revised Format from the W.B. Finance Department. This the utility can calculate all the calculations related to the Pension of Verge of Retirement, date of retirement, date of commencement of […]
Gratuity Limit Increased to Rs. 20 lakhs, With Gratuity Calculator with Gratuity Calculation Formula.
Now you can get higher gratuity without paying taxes. The Government is going to increase the limit for tax-free gratuity. The union cabinet has decided to increase the tax-free gratuity limit to Rs.20 lakhs. As of now, it is Rs.10 lakhs. Therefore, this decision would benefit the employees of the private sector and PSUs. The central […]
The Benefits of Income Tax Return Filing With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Excel-Based Software All in One for the Salaried Persons for F.Y.2024-25 as per Budget 2024
Income Tax Return Filing Simplified The process through which taxpayers provide information about their income and expenses to the Income Tax Department is known as Income Tax Return Filing. When filing a late return, specific losses cannot be carried over. Filing Income Tax Returns in India The Income Tax Act of 1961 & the Income […]
Old vs New Income Tax Regime Which Tax Regime is Better for the A.Y.2024-25? With Auto calculate Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2022-23 and A.Y.2024-25
Old vs New Income Tax Regime Which Tax Regime is Better for the A.Y.2024-25? In the Finance Bill, 2023 New Tax Regime has been introduced with some benefits compared to the previous New Tax Regime. The earlier New Tax regime was not so attractive but the latest amendment has made this new regime more attractive to change from the […]
Income tax deduction for salaried employees| With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software in Excel All in One for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for F.Y.2021-22
Income tax deduction for salaried employees, When the overall taxpayers in the country are assessed, the salaried individuals make up a significant portion of it. And, their contribution to tax collection is considerable. With this in mind, the rules of the income tax deduction for salaried employees provide various opportunities for tax protection. With these discounts and deductions, you can […]
Income tax Section 80GG for House Rent Paid. With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.21-22
For most employees, home rent allowance (HRA) as part of their salary income. However, some small and medium-sized companies can pay a single amount of money to employees without separation. For a hired employee, in order to claim deductions, HRA should be part of his salary income. However, the Income Tax Act 1961 provides for a deduction in respect of […]
Download Automated Revised Single Comprehensive Form for the West Bengal Govt Employees after ROPA 2019 with COVIT Impact: Massive Decline in Advance Tax Collections
The deposition of advance taxes seen a reduction to reduce decline resulting in more than 30% reduction in the Gross Tax Collections. The dip shows that the businesses have been impacted very harshly by the coronavirus lockdown. All the companies and other “big” assesses are required to pay an advance tax to the government. The […]
How to get exemption and tax relief on leave encasement calculated U/s 10(10AA) With Automated Income Tax Arrears Relief Calculator U/s 89(1) with Form 10E from the F.Y.2000-01 to F.Y.2020-2021 ( Updated Version)
Based on eligibility, employee can avail different types of leave. If the company has a policy to carry it forward, then unavailed leave remained for a year can be carried forwarded to the next financial year. Based on employer’s policy, an employee is allowed to encash accumulated unavailed leave either during the service or after […]
The Truth About Vitamin D, Zinc, and Other Coronavirus Rumors
[ad_1] What might work, what probably doesn’t, and what’s flat-out wrong Here’s a lot of misinformation and half-truths going around right now about the novel coronavirus. That’s understandable — the virus is very new and doctors and scientists are still learning about how the infection works and best ways to treat it. The news being […]